Binge listen to the rest of Season 1 now!

Hello, climate change aficionados! I didn't get around to publicizing the release of the last few episodes of the podcast, so lucky you get to binge listen to the last three episodes! We have two interviews, one with my first climate change skeptic guest and the other with a real live climate scientist! The last... Continue Reading →

Are we here for anything at all?

This is a response to an article entitled "What Are We Here For?" on The Science of Working Together. Your comments raise two fundamental questions that are significantly different. The first is “Do we, as a species, have a purpose?” This is an inquiry about the collective, the whole of humanity. Given that the species... Continue Reading →

The meaning of life.

You are an ancient human being, whose bones will be later classified as a member of the species Homo sapiens, but you have no concept of species, classification, or even writing. What you know is that you exist in a world that is sometimes familiar, often strange, usually dangerous, occasionally beautiful, but always present. You... Continue Reading →

Discipline is freedom

This is not a prescription for how to live your life. This is not an attempt to explain some human truth. It's not an argument for some political aim. It's not even an endorsement of Jocko Willink's new book, Discipline Equals Freedom, whence I took the title. It is none of these things because I am... Continue Reading →

Our Eternal Paradox

In the final chapter of Elizabeth Kolbert’s The Sixth Extinction, she writes, “It doesn’t much matter whether people care or don’t care. What matters is that people change the world.” On the first pass, I thought this line was conspicuously trite for an author who had filled the preceding 260 pages with engaging story-telling and... Continue Reading →

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